桂枝合剂 Gui Zhi He Ji(500ml) (TGZ01) Category: Liquid Preparations UOM: BOT 500ml 【功能主治】解肌发表,调和营卫。适用于外感风寒表虚证以及病后,产后营卫阴阳失和证。症见头痛发热,汗出恶风,感冒,流行性感冒,皮肤瘙痒症等。 Indication: Expelling pathogenic factors from the muscles and skin, regulating Ying-Qi and Wei-Qi to relieve exterior syndrome. Indicated for exterior deficiency syndrome due to exogenous wind cold and syndrome with disharmony between Ying-Qi and Wei-Qi, and Yin and Yang after illness or delivery, marked by headache, fever, perspiration with aversion to wind, common cold, flu, urticaria, skin itch, etc. Ingredients: 桂枝 Ramulus Cinnamomi 白芍 Radix Paeoniae Alba 生姜 Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens 大枣 Fructus Jujubae 炙甘草 Radix Et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae Praeparata Cum Melle SGD 12.20 |