白果定喘合剂 Bai Guo Ding Chuan He Ji (500ml) (TBG01) Category: Liquid Preparations UOM: 【功能主治】宣肺降气,清热化痰。主治哮喘。咳嗽痰多气急,痰稠色黄,微恶风寒,舌苔黄腻,脉滑数。 Indication: Ventilate lungs and reduce Qi, clear heat and phlegm. For relieving shortness of breath. For symptoms of cough with copious phlegm and shortness of breath, thick and yellowish phlegm, slight aversion to wind and cold, yellow and greasy tongue coating, slippery pulse. Ingredients: 白果 Semen Ginkgo 麻黄 Herba Ephedrae 款冬花 Flos Farfarae 杏仁 Semen Armeniacae Amarum 制半夏 Rhizoma Pinelliae Praeparata 紫苏子 Fructus Perillae 桑白皮 Cortex Mori 黄芩 Radix Scutellariae 甘草 Radix Et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae SGD 15.70 |