酸枣仁合剂 Suan Zao Ren He Ji(500ml) (TSZ01) Category: Liquid Preparations UOM: BOT 500ml 【功能主治】养血安神,清热除烦。虚烦不眠证。失眠心悸,虚烦不安,头目眩晕,咽干口燥,舌红,脉弦细。 Indication: Replenish blood, calm nerves, clear heat and reduce anxiety. Applicable for symptoms of anxiety and insomnia, palpitation, dizziness, dry throat and mouth, red tongue, feeble pulse. Ingredients: 酸枣仁 Semen Ziziphi Spinosae 茯苓 Poria 知母 Rhizoma Anemarrhenae 川芎 Rhizoma Chuanxiong 甘草 Radix Et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae SGD 13.20 |