牡蛎合剂 Mu Li He Ji(500ml) (TML01) Category: Liquid Preparations UOM: BOT 500ml 【功能主治】益气固表,敛阴止汗。适用于自汗,盗汗。症见身常汗出,夜卧尤甚,心悸怵惕,短气烦倦,舌淡红,脉细弱。 Indication: Replenishing Qi and consolidating superficial resistance, preserving Yin and arresting sweat. This recipe is indicated for spontaneous perspiration and night sweat, marked by constant perspiration, especially while asleep at night, palpitation, susceptibility to fright, shortness of breath, vexation, lassitude, reddish tongue, thready and feeble pulse. Ingredients: 煅牡蛎 Concha Ostreae Praeparata 小麦 Fructus Tritici Aestivi 黄芪 Radix Astragali 麻黄根 Radix Et Rhizoma Ephedrae SGD 14.40 |