苓桂术甘合剂 Ling Gui Shu Gan He Ji(500ml) (TLG01) Category: Liquid Preparations UOM: BOT 500ml 【功能主治】温阳化饮,健脾渗湿。适用于痰饮病。症见胸胁胀满,眩晕心悸,短气而咳。 Indication: Warming Yang and relieving fluid retention, reinforce the spleen and inducing duresis. Indicated for syndrome of phlegm retention, marked by chest and hypochondriac fullness, vertigo, palpitation, shortness of breath with cough. Ingredients: 茯苓 Poria 桂枝 Ramulus Cinnamomi 白术 Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 甘草 Radix Et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae SGD 12.70 |