八珍合剂 Ba Zhen He Ji(500ml) (TBZ01) Category: Liquid Preparations UOM: BOT 500ml 【功能主治】补益气血,气血两虚,面色苍白,头晕眼花,四肢倦怠,气短懒言,心悸怔忡,食欲减退,舌质淡,苔薄白,脉细虚。 Indication: Nourish blood and replenish Qi. For deficiency of blood and Qi, pale complexion, dizziness, weak limbs, shortness of breath, disinclination to talk, palpitation, poor appetite, pale tongue with little fur, feeble and thready pulse. Ingredients: 当归 Radix Angelicae Sinensis 川芎 Rhizoma Chuanxiong 白芍 Radix Paeoniae Alba 熟地黄 Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata 党参 Radix Codonopsis 白术 Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 茯苓 Poria 炙甘草 Radix Et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae Praeparata Cum Melle SGD 12.20 |