养生筋骨跌伤丸 Young's Jin Gu Die Shang Wan (1000‘s) (WJG02) Category: Pills UOM: 【功能主治】化瘀消肿,止痛止血。用于跌打损伤,筋骨疼痛,瘀血止痛等。 Indication: Resolve mass, reduce swelling, relieve pain and stop bleeding. For injuries from fall, tendon and bone pain, bruises, etc. Ingredients: 乳香 Olibanum 没药 Myrrha 血竭 Sanguis Draconis 泽兰 Herba Lycopi 当归 Radix Angelicae Sinensis 田七 Radix Et Rhizoma Notoginseng 红花 Flos Carthami 人参 Radix Et Rhizoma Ginseng SGD 28.80 |