养生五十肩片 (PWS02) Category: Tablets UOM: BOT 【功能主治】祛风除湿,活血通络,止痛。用于肩周炎,肩关节僵硬,举臂疼痛,活动不利。 Indication: Eliminate wind and pain relief, promote circulation of blood, stretching tendons. Treat shoulder pain, joint stiffness and difficulty in moving. Ingredients: 羌活 Rhizoma Et Radix Notopterygii 独活 Radix Angelicae Pubescentis 防风 Radix Saposhnikoviae 伸筋草 Herba Lycopodii 透骨草 Herba Speranskiae Tuberculatae 乌梢蛇 Zaocys 地龙 Pheretima 姜黄 Rhizoma Curcumae Longae 乳香 Olibanum 没药 Myrrha 红花 Flos Carthami 土鳖虫 Eupolyphaga Seu Steleophaga 杜仲 Cortex Eucommiae 骨碎补 Rhizoma Drynariae SGD 28.20 |