银翘合剂 Yin Qiao He Ji(500ml) (TYQ01A) Category: Liquid Preparations UOM: BOT 500ml 【功能主治】辛凉透表,清热解毒。温病初起。发热无汗,或有汗不畅,微恶风寒,头痛口渴,咳嗽咽痛,舌尖红,苔薄白或微黄,脉浮数。 Indication: Relieving the exterior syndrome with medicine that has cooling properties, clear heat and eliminate toxin. For onset of febrile symptoms, marked by fever without perspiration or hindered perspiration, slight aversion to wind-cold, headache, thirst, cough, sore throat, red tip on tongue, thin white coating or slight yellowish coating on tongue, thready and rapid pulse. Ingredients: 金银花 Flos Lonicerae Japonicae 连翘 Fructus Forsythiae 牛蒡子 Fructus Arctii 桔梗 Radix Platycodonis 薄荷 Herba Menthae 竹叶 Folium Phyllostachydis Henonis 荆芥穗 Spica Schizonepetae 淡豆豉 Semen Sojae Preparatum 甘草 Radix Glycyrrhizae SGD 10.20 |